Extract the text size of the TextView as a dimension resource named count_text_size, as follows:
Click the Text tab to show the XML code, if you haven't already done so. Place the cursor on "160sp".
Press Alt-Enter (Option-Enter on the Mac).
Click Extract dimension resource.
Set the Resource name to count_text_size, and click OK. (If you make a mistake, you can undo the change with Ctrl-Z).
In the Project view, navigate to values/dimens.xml to find your dimensions. The dimens.xml file applies to all devices. The dimens.xml file for w820dp applies only to devices that are wider than 820dp.
SELECT color
Add a background color to the TextView. android:background="#FFFF00" In the Layout Editor (Text tab), place your mouse cursor over this color and press Alt-Enter (Option-Enter on the Mac).\
Add the following attribute to thebutton_count button.
- Inside of activity_main.xml, place your mouse cursor over each of these method names.
- Press Alt-Enter (Option-Enter on the Mac), and select Create onClick event handler.
- Choose the MainActivity and click OK.
Toast toast = Toast.makeText(context, "Hello Toast", Toast.LENGTH_LONG);
Extract the "Hello Toast" string into a string resource and call it toast_message.
Place the cursor on the string "Hello Toast!".
Press Alt-Enter (Option-Enter on the Mac).
Select Extract string resources.
Set the Resource name to toast_message and click OK.
This will store "Hello World" as a string resource name toast_message in the string resources file res/values/string.xml. The string parameter in your method call is replaced with a reference to the resource.